Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Costa Rica Trip is on!

Second deposit ($300) for the Costa Rica Trip needed by November 6th.
Follow the link to Witch's Rock Surf Camp.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Perfect combination

Swells coming in and wind going out make a perfect combination. The strong wind plays a factor in catching some of these waves. White crest's high dunes block some of this frustrating wind. Most surfers came here today.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Apres storm

Chilly waist high waves after the storm cannot deter our local surfers from an evening in the water. The frost on the ground this morning usually an end to my outdoor activities. But surf like this makes me think about a new winter wetsuit.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A man and his dog

Clear your thoughts with an evening stroll along a stretch of storm flattened beach.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Surfing on Sunday Morning

Small surf on sunday morning draws surfers into the chilly waters off Newcomb's Hollow Beach. Surfers enjoyed long rights and occasional lefts until about 1pm. Spring for a winter suit now since the water won't get much warmer until late spring.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Newcomb's on a foggy day

Small to medium waves this morning with less wind than expected makes me forget about staying in on a foggy day. Waves tend to grow larger on the incoming tide so I will be there in about an hour.
These conditions should continue through sunday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Autumn surfing

The windy weekend left us waves like these all day today and perhaps through tomorrow. People put on wetsuits and other gear as they saw fit. My 3/2 kept me warm enough.

Surfing through sunset made a perfect ending to the first monday in October.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

No surfing this morning

The morning brings us fog, gentle breezes from the west and small, jumbled waves.  No surfing right now since the rising tide will force the little waves to break right at the shoreline.  Surfing may improve by this evenings low tide.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The torrential rains have moved on out to the northeast allowing people to walk the beaches in the late afternoon.  Several surfers ride the waves as people gather in the parking lot to talk or to wander the beach to the sounds of waves and birds.  A truly relaxing way to spend an early evening.